Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Funny Pictures
Saturday, December 12, 2009
When i'll be posting...
so leave a comment there or here! oh, and tell me your favorite flavor of pudding! (mine's chocolate!)
- Joeant
Friday, December 11, 2009
Fire Dojo

it's basically the same things just with items instead of belts. here are a few pics i took of it:now that we've talked about the fire dojo, there's nothing else to show you right now but my igloo. so here is what it currently looks like:

im going to be entering it in the contest coming December 18, i hope you like it! (YOU BETTER LIKE IT)
- Joeant: BETTER LIKE IT I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE! (not really)
i made the video, but sorry about the mouth from the wizard off... i like making short posts!!!
- Joeant (i'll give you 20$ if you can find out the lyrics to the song..........)

You may have noticed: the picture is a lot more clearer. that is because i took it with super screen capturer, which you only have a trial version (i think 8 days) unless you buy it. download the trial version at the following link:
i am now going to use it as much as i can, but im out of ideas for something to say. oh yeah, visit my YouTube account! it's Joeant20, and visit Badflyer2009's account (my cousin) we make a lot of vids together, so watch them! but as i said, nothing else to say by saying that i will say in a sayfull manner... AHHH THE HECK WITH IT BYE!!!
- Joeant (PUDDING!?!?!?!?!?)