well theres nothing to write about, since the christmas party STUNK and NOTHING is happening on CP. so i'm doing a special thing until a new thing on CP happens: im making newer ideas! this blog is no longer ONLY about CP, but a bunch of other thinks i can think of! so here's what i got for this week: Mario week. i'm going to explain a lot about Mario this week, but for today, i'll explain how it started: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
back in the 80's, there was a mario tv show. it was called The Super Mario Brothers Super Show. it became a very famous show, so they made differant versions of it. later the Super Mario Bros. 2 show came out, and they Super Mario Bros. 3. then they decided to make a game on it, and the very first mario game ever was Mario Pinball.: thats all for this week, here are some pictures i took: