why does it seem that everything i see gets covered in poop? look, theres a penguin with bird poop on him! lol ok, im done with my edited pics for today! just remember, have a good POOP day with rockhopper! bye!
- joeant (poop is cool!)
Hello, your now reaching the presence of the Joeant's Club Penguin Blog! Remember, this site includes some comedy that may disdurb viewers under the ages of 1. thank you, and enjoy!
why does it seem that everything i see gets covered in poop? look, theres a penguin with bird poop on him! lol ok, im done with my edited pics for today! just remember, have a good POOP day with rockhopper! bye!
- joeant (poop is cool!)
ok, i lied. its easy to understand how to find it. the other free items are in the member quest. which of cours you need to be a member for it! oh yeah, i have good news! starting today, i will only be logging on to the server frozen! it will go on until may 15, so look for joeant! you can find me probly at the dock and my igloo, which will be open on the map. here is a random picture of me cuse i got bored so i took it:
oops... wrong picture! heres the real one:
well i dont have a real picture of me! but i promise, next time ill take a pic of me and show it. thats it for now!
hey look a blue-green fish! (i quit shortly after i made that mistake...)
ok, no need to laugh im not a comedian you know. i think woton is a lot funnier then me. oops, i mean A LOT funnier. well im getting tired so i gonna end tis now. "yawn" wow i cant even say THIS?!?!?!? ok i gots to endszzzzzzzzzzz the thingy ummmm whats its called? zzzzzzzz