Thursday, May 7, 2009

so just if your wondering, penguin lang and I are friends again! it seems a liiiiitle bit weird but oh well! if you read the newspaper, im in it! JUST KIDDING!!!!!! lol im such a jokester arnt I? im gonna continue from the newspaper part. the new play, coming TOMARROW, is the phantom of the opera. i knew there would be ghost costumes, and even I dont have one!, yet im 762 days the way, i have a lot of good posts in the past. just scroll down to the bottom and click older posts. i explain about woton, my biggest fan. also, tommarrow is the medieval party. i heard the special item was hidden in a dragoning place...

find out what that is! think of what a dragoning place is, if you think you know, leave a comment saying where it is. so ye AHHHHH I HATE TALKING LIKE THIS!!! ok then, so you must know, i got a new buddy. his name is Rowing 1, and i heard hes a rare penguin! there is just one mystery some ppl need to figure out...

have you ever seen a penguin with a background with rockhopper and the blue storway penguin? well that background was unlocked a special way. you know how you used to be able to meet rockhopper in real life? well if you did, hed give you a code. you unlock it and get that background! i didnt get to go to disney world, but i do have a buddy with that background! well speaking of codes, if you have the DS game, this code comes with the game. you can really go inside the command room! if you dont have the DS game, heres what the room looks like:
its cool isnt it. no dont ask! i cant make funny pictures because i never did try hahaha im right! ok, ok i did try one in my life and it was a FAIL. oops, make that EPIC FAIL. i remember that like it was yestarday... (shows flashback)
cant uh reach uh stupid uh ski lift!!!!
i always wondered why the lamp on the left was so big... yet i was so small... (and blurry)

hey look a blue-green fish! (i quit shortly after i made that mistake...)

ok, no need to laugh im not a comedian you know. i think woton is a lot funnier then me. oops, i mean A LOT funnier. well im getting tired so i gonna end tis now. "yawn" wow i cant even say THIS?!?!?!? ok i gots to endszzzzzzzzzzz the thingy ummmm whats its called? zzzzzzzz


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