Saturday, February 20, 2010


CP seriously made ANOTHER puffle party? its the exact same thing as last years! not that fun.... but i recently heard about "ornage puffle sightings" and i didnt believe it at first. so i traveled to the box dimension, andbelieve it or not, about 6 minutes later, an orange puffle was flying around in a box. i think puffle parties attract puffles or something... lol. last year the white puffle came right after the puffle party. anyways, i need to put more pictures in my blog, but this laptop has a HORRIBLE virus. i cant even go on club penguin anymore :( this laptop is A PIECE OF CRAP THAT SHOULD NEVER EVEN EXIST ON THIS PLANET OF LAPTOPS THAT EXIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so yeah. i wont be able to upload pictures on this for a loooooooooooooooong time. so i will be puttin on more gadgets, but till next time... DO THE MARIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

click here to do the mario!

i made that video, and dont forget to subscribe while your watching it!

- Joeant

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Hey Joeant!
It's me, Elizabeth (Um, Giggles15987 ring a bell?) I would like you to join my blog, Kid 101! Please comment back on Kid 101 with your response.