Friday, March 20, 2009

penguin play awards

the reason I'm writing in gold and italic today is because the penguin play awards! check out the new catalogue book of every stage that was there. i feel bad for you non members who cant go in the stage today. but I'm a member so its not my problem. sorry, I don't have a picture of it but if I did I would show you what it looks like. when I do get a picture ill post it on a blog. here is the only picture I can show you:

ok I bet many of you are saying "what the heck is that guy doing on this blog?" but its the funniest picture I have so dont blame me. alright, alright, I will never put that picture on a blog again. here watch what I can do!:


ok now THAT is skill. the next blog i make will be cool so dont miss it!


penguin lang

oh sorry penguin lang. i forgot to write about you. but im about to right now so dont worry. hey guys i guess you all saw penguin langs comment. so penguin lang is nice and sorta like bubby207. hes nice and he goes to caribou too. they all go to everyplace like i told you in the last couple blogs. so are you happy now penguin lang? i hope so because im done now.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

AHHHHHHH!!! A BEAR IT WILL EAT ME! GET OFF MY BLOG U EVIL BEAR! oh its just a picture sorry about that. that does look a little creepy though...
the only thin good besides a bear is the penguin play awards. its happening right now on cp so go on! what are you waiting for go now! until my next blog(without a bear picture in it) dont stop the club penguin ness!

Hey there! wanna visit bobo(my Buddy's) site? well listen up. his website is its really cool and i left at least 13 comments! lol i like the wii! you cant get bored with a wii in your house! send me a comment saying if you have or like the wii. oh yeah so go to bobos site its awesome. k well thats it for now! til i make another blog...

waddle on!!!



hi people! today instead of cheats, I'm going to talk about my buddies. first ill talk about Bubby207. hes pretty much my main buddy. he goes to caribou and goes to everyplace. another friend is cam780. well all my buddies go to caribou and everyplace. cam780, bobo83781, bubby207, Ajax(i cant remember the numbers), and john(i cant remember the numbers in his name eighther) are all my main buddies.if you haven't seen my cheats yet, click the back button on the bottom of my site. also find my me tracker on the last page! but until i leave a new thing, waddle on!

GOTTA LOVE COCOA PUFFS! hello again. i see you probly all saw my giant cocoa puffs picture! send me a comment saying what your favorite cereal is. thats kinda random but oh well! I like cereal and i hope you do too. so thats about all i have to say right now! so continue to keep playin on CP (CP means club penguin if your wondering.)


Joeant's club penguin website (on cheats)

waz up people! Joeant here im going to give you all some good club penguin cheats! so u want a silver surfboard? listen up if u do!

silver sufboard:
1.enter the sports shop
2.go to the pageith the surfboards
3. click on the penguin on the starfish
5. click on the shell
6. the penguin should be holding the silver surfboard and smiling.
so u happy with your new silver surfboards? pretty cool huh? heres another cheat. i call it...
rapid snowball cannon:
1.hold down the button T rapidly!
3. your now a snowball cannon
now that cheat is really cool. the next one isnt really a cheat but it is cool.
fart noise: E (not on the speak bar just click it) T (not on the speak bar)
3.youll make a fart noise lol
ok now another cheat
dance rapidly:
1.hold down D!
lend me a comment saying if you want more cheats. and tell me if u know any! hope ya see me someday on club penguin! before i go...
Joeant tracker:
main server: caribou
main place(s):cove, stage, lighthouse, forest, and the snow forts.
Hope you liked my cheats and glitches! make sure you send a comment bye!