Tuesday, April 28, 2009

i dont know a title for this!

Get a miners hat today! oops... i cant stop thinking about this project i did in school today. good news! today, penguin Lang is now officially my worst enemy! (croud claps) so I'm gonna show you right now what a fan of wotons pics was! bobo83781, loves one of wotons pics. so ill show it so he'll visit my blog as much as he wants to so he can see it. here it is:

yet the REAL way rockhopper crashed. ok, apparently in my last blog, the surfing game didn't work. bobo isn't very happy about it... well this is just the BEGINNING of what im doing today. as you know, from my last blog, i said something special was gonna be on Friday. well i had a little change of plans. instead of friday, the special thing will be on...


ok lets get started. this special thing is technically, well, a contest. i call it Joeant find me contests. the reason i called it this is because if you win, i will schedual a day for us to meet on CP and you will be my buddy!!! ok, heres what the contest is...

who ever can leave the most comments ON THIS PART OF THE BLOG, will win. these contests will get very hard after a while.

thats all you have to do! its simple really.the contest will end may 5, so leave as many comments as possible! even if you dont know me in real life, dont be afraid to comment! trust me, this is a very safe, safe, safe, website. these contests will be very rare. only the people who visit my blog a lot can be able to do these cause they might end really quick! wait, you DONT know how to leave a comment? o-o-o-o well listen up!

  1. click _ comments (at bottom of each blog)
  2. type in what you want to say
  3. choose what E-mail adress you have (such as google account)
  4. click post comment
  5. note will come up telling you to type the letters above
  6. you will get to a new screen, type in your E-mail adress and Password
  7. click send (i dont know what it says but its under where you typed your E-mail.)
  8. you will appear back at my blog and your comment will be sent!

now that you've sent me a comment, send another! and another and another and another and another till you win! i know joeant find me contests are really long. ok i think im done! whew... i mean darn! bye!!!

-joeant guy and gamma gal unite!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

might work...

i don't know about this. this could get a liiiiiiitle intense. i dont know if it will work but ill try. im gonna ATTEMPT to see if you can play club penguins games on my blog. ok here we go:
catchin' waves game:
im just gonna do that one for now, and if it works there will be more games to play here soon. so i hope it works! get all waved up over that game! lol im hilarious a'rnt i! well thats it for now! (i still wanna meet woton)


ok I'm very sorry about the last blog. it didn't work trying to get to wotons pics. sorry about that but ill just tell you how to get to it normally:

  1. go to google.

  2. type in club penguin cheats ojoc

  3. click ojoc's club penguin cheats & secrets

  4. click 23 funny pictures

  5. scroll down to the last picture

  6. click the spot that says click here for 325 more funny pictures.

  7. it should bring you to wotons website on funny pictures.

lol ok now you should get there. remember all that stuff and your at wotons website of awesomeness! i left a couple comments there but i swear do NOT view spider1900s blog it is very inappropriate! trust me, dont do it. ok so make sure you visit it! (by the way, tommarrow will be the last day of finding me at sleet. so look for me today! its the last day.) and dont forget bobo83781! http://bobopenguin.blogspot.com/ now dont get to excited when you see all these cool blogs that exist. woton, bobo83781, ojoc, all of them are cool. ahhhhh,,,,,, i remember that time i saw woton at the dock. I HATED IT! HE WOULDN'T ADD ME TO MY BUDDY LIST!!! oh well thats no reason to be upset. ill see him another time and hopefully next time he wont LEAVE ONCE I ENTER THE ROOM! i also have to show you something off of wotons blog because i am his biggest fan...

hes right! something is wrong here... yeah i REALLY wanna help my membership. that makes sence. whats with the three ultimate safe modes?!?!?!?!? and just change? how do you renew a password? can you see how funny woton can be! it just stinks when he doesnt add you and leaves the room. wow my hands are tired. i can make the world record book for spending a long time writting about my biggest fan on club penguin. on friday, i will tell you another way to find me such as going to a certain server and time and what places. but today is sunday so i cant tell you now! right now, today, i will only go to the server sleet. like i said a couple blogs ago. remember, i will go to: my igloo (will always be open on map when im online), dock, and cart surfing (usually for coins to buy or feed my puffles,) and i might hang out at some parties. ppl will usually say to go to their igloo for a party at the town. i will sometimes be there. so if you ask to be my buddy i will easily say "Yes." look for a green penguin, with a dragon suit, red sunglasses, propeller cap (eigher red or blue. i have both), keytar or silver surfboard), blue sneakers, and the blue cape. under that penguin the name will be joeant. so look for me and add me! ok now my fingers are really tired so i guess i have to end it now. :( before i end, make sure you follow those steps to get the wotons website of pics. hope ya meet me, bobo83781, ojoc, woton, or anyone else i know! good-bye!

- da amazing joeant

woton again...

as you all know, bobo83781 left a comment! he wants to know what wotons website is so ill tell you! its:

view what he said after his pics, he made really funny stuff. there is 325 pictures on it! now THAT should make the world record book! also, yestarday was the new song for sled racing! sorry, i cant let you listen to the music yet because i dont know the code number for it :( oh well. just to make you feel better, here are some more woton pics that i forgot to put on last time (lol oops...)

not a lot but LIVE WITH IT! lol jk. well thats about it for now! good-bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thursday, April 23, 2009

medieval party

ello ye penguins! ye see, soon, on may 8, there will be ye medieval party! dragons, kings, knights, princesses, and much more will be in ye catalogue! here is a picture (sneek peak) of what ye town will look like:also, there will be ye sled racing catalogue! it will have new sleds and snowboards (I think...) ye will also be able to see ye penguin fall in slow motion!!! here is what ye will look like:

yowch! ye feel bad for that penguin. well ye know it happens!well that be about it for today! remember, stay all dragoned up! ood-bye!!!!!!!!


(lol ye means joeant in webgings)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

find me!

by the title, you might be able to tell what this blog will be about. YOU, ARE GOING TO BE ABLE TO FIND ME! so here what ill do for you to do that...
for the rest of this week, (until monday) ill only go to the server sleet. ill go to only 3 places:

cart surfering (for money for my puffles)

my igloo

and the dock.

if you find me and ask to be my buddy i will easily say "yes." my igloo will be always added to the map. i will be standing on the dock when in the room the dock. well thats mainly it for now. im gonna end it now. ok end now. i said end now! oh for peat sake just press the publish poat button!!!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

what the woton?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

who is woton? a penguin on cp who probly is the funniest penguin ever. he is like my biggest fan and i almost met him once! look for him. he'll be wearing a blue viking hat, and a lot other stuff. today, YOUR the lucky one! im gonna show you some of HIS club penguin pictures! ok, here we go!:mario, luigi, bowzer, and yoshi! i feel sorry for youkeep dreaming dude
do not get banned! listen to me now!
let this be a lesson to all you kids: NEVER MAKE FUN OF FISH!!!
i was wondering what that was too!
if that mirror was me, id say yes.beta 3 always was his worst enemy...
beta strikes again!
and again...
finnaly! the end of beta 3! woton says.
i thought beta 3 was destroyed?
once again, beta 3 was destroyed!!! oh wait, woton got destroyed...
really? i bet not!
ha! i knew it!

lol hes a puffle...

well thats all i have for today! hope ya like those pics! good-bye!


Friday, April 17, 2009

new igloo catalouge

As you know, today there will be a new better igloo catalogue. here is what it looks like:

ok so remember to buy everything you want from it because those items will never come back again. trust me, i know this stuff. i know its been a very long time that ive written down how to get to bobo83781's blog so ill just tell you again. its http://bobopenguin.blogspot.com

leave a comment there! oh yeah i forgot to tell you something. one day i went on CP and found a note in my mailbox:

Your account will be hacked by bubby207 who will then give it to cam780 then he will get it banned for 12 hours the eventually he will give it to john who will get it bann it for 24 hours then he will give it to ajax139 then he will get it banned for 35 hours then he will lend it to penguin lang who will fail to get it banned then i will laugh at him because he couldnt get it banned then i will start hating joeant and get it banned for life.

what? is what i said when i read the message. then i woke up and found out it was a dream.


Friday, April 10, 2009

happy easter!

happy easter everyone! well happy club penguin easter because today isnt the real easter. right now, here, at this very moment, today, i sould stop this, there is an easter egg hunt! have you found all the eggs?!?!?!?!?!? so you didnt! now i will tell you where all the eggs are located:
  1. inside the light outside of the nightclub.
  2. in the bottom right corner of the cove.
  3. the next one is in the mine. scroll your mouse over the hole and watch the egg come on top of a mine cart.
  4. at thee dojo courtyard hanging on the wall to look like a light.
  5. in the gift shop, hidden under an upside down puffle bed on the wall.
  6. in the ski lodge, scroll your mouse over the bucket next to the ice fishing door.
  7. on the ski hill, click the very top of the directions.
  8. on the beacon, inside the light holder, click the off button.

you should see a sign that says "you have found bunny ears, would you like to pick it up?" click yes. you will then get a pair of pink bunny ears. by the way, sorry about the last blog i made. the music didnt work. one song didnt even let you click on it! well thats about it for today! good-bye.
















- joeanT

Thursday, April 9, 2009


yes, of course this blog will be risky for me. i know some of you don't have a club penguin account. so i guess there's one thing left to do for you:
this one wont be joeants password but it will be one i wont care about. by the way, please do not get this one banned for life OR ILL HURT YOU! ok here it goes:

user name: antjoe2
password: joeant

happy with your new cp account? i hope so because ill never give out one again. I'm just trying to remember what something is i think i forgot what I'm trying to think about what i forgot. lol WAYYYYY to confusing! oh yeah now i remember. visit http://wotonsfunnypictures.com for some really funny pictures. theres 325 of them so get ready for pictureness!!!

my plane old igloo

hello again! of course by the title you should know what I'm about to show you. a picture of my igloo. not really that exciting but LIVE WITH IT! lol sorry. ok here it is:
well thats how it is right now. a very long time ago it looked like this:

see the differance? i have a lot of coins i know. so, who liked the music i made in the last couple blogs? i dont know if i should make more songs. BUT I WILL!!! these songs are ones I dont even know. im just coming up with songs that i think might work:




Sunday, April 5, 2009

newer cheat

ok, now its obvious. the silver surfboard has been changed so now ill tell you how to get it the NEW way.

  1. enter the cove
  2. click on the piece of paper on the boards
  3. click on the word "waves"

did you get the board? i hope you did because im not gonna tell you again. heres another joeant tracker:

main servers: caribou, mammoth

places: stage, ice berg, cove, lighthouse, beach, forest, well mostly everywhere

have you found me yet? ok i think im done now with this blog. ill just make one more song but i wont tell u what song it is!


ha! find out what song that is


Friday, April 3, 2009

a little thing mixed

hey there! today i will mix most of the blogs that i made together. this blog might be a pretty long one so get ready! first ill start off with a funny and TRUE story. one day, when Joeant went online, he saw a brown puffle in his igloo. he was very happy but i wasn't online to see it. then he remembered yesterday...


eventually i went online and listened to Joeant tell me the story. after that i was mad and got him banned for life.


cool story huh? next ill show u a picture of the box store for all u non members who haven't seen it yet:

happy all the non members who visit my website? you've just seen the box store of magicness. ok, next ill put more music of cp in ok? should i start now? no i wont. but yes i will. but should i? no. oh ok. but i will. but i think no. but its not your choice. oh wait yes it is AHHHHHHHHHH!!!:



pizza parlour:


hydro hopper:


beans counters:


ice fishing:


catchin' waves


aqua grabber:


aqua grabber 2


pirate party:


cool surf:


dance contest (igloo):


fall fair 3:


shadow guy and gamma gal play:


quest of the golden puffle play:


the penguins that time forgot play:


alien play:


whew! my hands are tired from all that typing! i think this blog is long enough right now! so should i end it? no i shouldnt. but yet i should OH IM NOT DOING THIS AGAIN!


more of them

i did it! last time i said i would make music and i did! but it wasnt cart surfer it was jet pack adventure. this time ill make as much music as i can:
thin ice:
cart surfer:
st patrics day:
fall fair 2:
a wonderful play:
team red vs. team blue:
3rd annaversary:
water party:
april fools day:
puffle round up:
pizzatron 3000:
night club:
coffee shop:
boiler room/dance lounge

well thats about all i can make for today! (my computer is low on battery so it will turn off soon.) bye!

just trying!

hey there! there, as u can see, i FINALLY got my camera to work. thats cool. there are some pictures at the bottom of this blog if your looking for them.i got kinda excited when i thought this thing im about to do might actually work. IM GONNA TRY AND MAKE CART SURFER MUSIC!:


so i hope it works. next blog i will make a lot more music ok? here are some pictures of my penguin joeant and other things on CP:

thats ajax139 if your wondering who it is...
thats cam780
thats bubby207
thats bobo83781

theres john

thats all i have for today! i hope the music works. bye!
