Tuesday, April 28, 2009

i dont know a title for this!

Get a miners hat today! oops... i cant stop thinking about this project i did in school today. good news! today, penguin Lang is now officially my worst enemy! (croud claps) so I'm gonna show you right now what a fan of wotons pics was! bobo83781, loves one of wotons pics. so ill show it so he'll visit my blog as much as he wants to so he can see it. here it is:

yet the REAL way rockhopper crashed. ok, apparently in my last blog, the surfing game didn't work. bobo isn't very happy about it... well this is just the BEGINNING of what im doing today. as you know, from my last blog, i said something special was gonna be on Friday. well i had a little change of plans. instead of friday, the special thing will be on...


ok lets get started. this special thing is technically, well, a contest. i call it Joeant find me contests. the reason i called it this is because if you win, i will schedual a day for us to meet on CP and you will be my buddy!!! ok, heres what the contest is...

who ever can leave the most comments ON THIS PART OF THE BLOG, will win. these contests will get very hard after a while.

thats all you have to do! its simple really.the contest will end may 5, so leave as many comments as possible! even if you dont know me in real life, dont be afraid to comment! trust me, this is a very safe, safe, safe, website. these contests will be very rare. only the people who visit my blog a lot can be able to do these cause they might end really quick! wait, you DONT know how to leave a comment? o-o-o-o well listen up!

  1. click _ comments (at bottom of each blog)
  2. type in what you want to say
  3. choose what E-mail adress you have (such as google account)
  4. click post comment
  5. note will come up telling you to type the letters above
  6. you will get to a new screen, type in your E-mail adress and Password
  7. click send (i dont know what it says but its under where you typed your E-mail.)
  8. you will appear back at my blog and your comment will be sent!

now that you've sent me a comment, send another! and another and another and another and another till you win! i know joeant find me contests are really long. ok i think im done! whew... i mean darn! bye!!!

-joeant guy and gamma gal unite!


joguzz said...

That is my favorite pic. Thanks for putting it on you blog.

Bobo O's

(my cerial)

Joeant said...

so far, winner of contest: bobo penguin

Anonymous said...

Hey Joeant!

I saw you commented on my blog early today (Like 3 times) so i wanted to comment back. Your site is very cool and i hope we can meet. (I'll meet you on... ummm what server do you want to go? at 11:30 P.M Central.)



Anonymous said...

Oh yea, Saturday night.

joguzz said...

i will beat you giggles. i am joeants best bud

Bobo83781 >:(

joguzz said...

Ha, Ha. I am in the lead. I am in the lead! Beat that!!!!!!!

Joeant said...

comment away!!! so far, winner of contest: bobo penguin

Joeant said...

lol i leave comments on my OWN blog... giggles, lets meet on caribou. go online on saturday, and go at a differant time. how about 3:00 on club penguin time?

Joeant said...

ok penguin lang, now im really your worst enemy. i deleted your camment because you said my reall name!!!! YOUR SUPPOSED TO KEEP THAT A SECRET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and the real reason im your worst enemy is because you stopped liking CP.

Joeant said...

oops, i forgot. this comment is for giggles. sorry, we cant meet on CP unless you win my contest! remember, comment away! so far, winner: bobo penguin