Thursday, April 23, 2009

medieval party

ello ye penguins! ye see, soon, on may 8, there will be ye medieval party! dragons, kings, knights, princesses, and much more will be in ye catalogue! here is a picture (sneek peak) of what ye town will look like:also, there will be ye sled racing catalogue! it will have new sleds and snowboards (I think...) ye will also be able to see ye penguin fall in slow motion!!! here is what ye will look like:

yowch! ye feel bad for that penguin. well ye know it happens!well that be about it for today! remember, stay all dragoned up! ood-bye!!!!!!!!


(lol ye means joeant in webgings)


joguzz said...

Hey Joeant! I finally figured out how to comment. Funny crash. Can you post about my blog in one of your posts. It is

joguzz said...

Hey Joeant. I like the woton pics. What is his website name? I want to see his pics.